
Frequently Ask Question

Our office is located at the West Side Hotel, which you can find at Nuijamaankatu 2, 20320 Turku, Finland.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Yes, the apartment is equipped with all the necessary furniture and kitchen utensils. For laundry, there is typically a shared laundry room in the building. Some apartments may also have a washing machine left by the previous customer.

Before you leave the apartment for the last time, we have a few things we ask you to do:
1. The check-out time is at 10am. We need time to get the house
ready for our next guests, so please be considerate!
2. Take out trash 
3. Wash your dishes
4. Return anything you moved back to its location
5. Check for left behind items
6. Leave linens on beds
7. Empty and clean the refigerator
8. Empty the apartment of all the goods, furniture and appliances you brought. The apartment must contain everything that was there when you arrived, but on the other hand, you must not leave anything in the apartment that was not there when you arrived.
9. Turn off all the lights and make sure windows are shut
10. Lock the door behind you
11. Return the keys to West Side Hotel, Nuijamaankatu 2, 20320 Turku

Our cleaners wash the floors, wipe the table surfaces and change the bedclothes. Extra work will incur additional costs for you.

Please contact us beforehand.

If you arrive when we are closed, your key is at KeySafe 24/7. We will give you a personal code to get your keys.

KeySafe location: West Side Hotel, Nuijamaankatu 2, 20320 Turku
Maplink: https://maps.app.goo.gl/wLNWvzVBj83D2bxA7)

1. Enter your personal code and press #
2. Your key will drop to locker
3. You have the keys 🙂
Note! You can also return your key to KeySafe 24/7 when checking out. 

It depends on the type of contract. We have two different contract types in use. To terminate your rental agreement, please follow these instructions:

Open-ended contract

For an open-ended contract, the notice period is 2 weeks.

Fixed-term contract

You do not need to terminate a fixed-term contract. If you need to extend a fixed-term contract, please contact us as soon as possible.
Please note that the apartment may already be rented to someone else.

House Rules

The tenant will only feel at home in the house and his apartment if he and the members of his family live as a community with the other tenants and feel committed to living together based on mutual consideration. Every tenant is therefore obliged to keep peace, order and cleanliness in the house, in general, and in his apartment. These House Rules are established in the interest of all residents and of the housing company.

I. Quiet in the house

(1) In the interest of consideration of residents for each other, disturbing noise should be avoided. Audio systems, radios and television sets must not be operated at a level that is a nuisance to other residents and should therefore be used at moderate level. Generally, times during which the use of such equipment is forbidden are from 1 to 3 pm and from 10 pm to 7 am on working days and 24 hours on Sundays and holidays.

(2) If noise cannot be avoided when tenants perform domestic or manual work in the house, the courtyard or garden, such work should be limited to the time from 7 to 12 am and 3 to 6 pm on work days (e.g., beating of carpets, moving lawn, DIY work, drilling, hammering, sawing, etc.).

(3) Laundry machines and driers should not be used between 10 pm and 7 am.

(4) Staircases, corridors, house and courtyard entries are no playgrounds for children. Anyone playing or doing sport outdoors should show consideration for other residents, for trees, shrubs and other planting. Noisy games such as football or basketball should only be played in the grounds provided for this.

(5) Private parties continuing until after 10 pm should be announced to the affected residents in time (possibly on the notice board). Despite that, disturbances should be avoided, and the noise remain moderate during rest time.

II. Cleaning, care and cleanliness

(1) The tenant is obliged to keep his apartment clean and in good order. This includes proper care of all floors, windows and doors and the furnishings provided by the landlord.  The frames of plastic windows and the seals around the windows should be cleaned with warm water and a suitable cleaner. Do not use cleaner containing solvent. Damage to window frames and doors by mechanical action (drilling, nailing or gluing using solvent containing glue) is forbidden.

(2) Carpet flooring or other objects must not be fastened by drilling in the floor.

(3) Sanitary facilities should be maintained in clean condition. Do not dispose of domestic, hygiene or kitchen waste, paper napkins, cat litter, bird or aquarium sand and similar waste in the lavatory or kitchen sink or washbasin because this can block the drain.  Drain blocks or damage to pipes due to disposal of waste by a tenant must be repaired by the tenant at his cost.

(4) The house and the property should be kept clean. Any contamination should be removed without delay by the party causing it. Waste and refuse should only be disposed of in the bins provided for this.

Bulky refuse should be reduced in size.

(5) Snow and ice are cleared, and the walkways gritted according to a plan prepared by the housing company. Winter maintenance action should be taken between 6 am and 10 pm.

(6) Textiles, shoes, boots, carpets or carpet floors should not be cleaned from windows, over balcony parapet or in the staircase.

(7) Smoking is prohibited entirely in and around the building except in designated areas. Do not throw cigarette ash or stubs out from your balcony.

(8) Dry laundry on your balcony only below the parapet line.

(9) When watering flowers on balconies or on window sills, make sure that no water flows down the house wall and, on the windows, or balconies of other residents.

(10) Do not feed pigeons or other animals from your apartment or within the residential complex.

(11) If pest infestation is found in an apartment, inform the landlord without delay so that suitable control action can be taken.

(12) The tenant is obliged to keep clean all side rooms (e.g., basement, distribution boxes, attics) included in the tenancy contract.

(13) The tenant is required to clean side rooms such as staircases and corridors. If the tenant fails to comply with this duty, the landlord can hire another party to do the cleaning at the cost of the failing tenant. The above provision does not apply if the cleaning is contracted to a specialist firm by the landlord.

(14) Basement, attic and staircase windows should be kept closed in the cold season. Roof windows should be closed and locked during rain and storm.

(15) Satellite receiving equipment must not be fixed except with the consent of the landlord.

III. Outdoor areas

(1) Clean and well-maintained lawns and facilities shape the face of the residential complex. Therefore, neither flammable material nor items of furniture or other bulky objects should be stored there. If this rule is ignored, the landlord can cause removal of the stored objects at the owner’s cost.

(2) Green spaces should be maintained in good state in the interest of everyone.

(3) Cars or motorbikes should not be parked, washed or repaired in courtyards or green spaces. Park bicycles in the areas provided for this.

(4) To comply with the need for quiet by the residents, the use of audio systems in the outdoor areas is forbidden.

(5) Footpaths should be cleaned and maintained as provided in the relevant cleaning plan.

(6) Having barbecues – Having barbecues on the balconies of multi-story residential buildings is not permitted. If you have a barbecue outdoors, make sure the smoke does not enter the living or bedrooms of uninvolved neighbours. Any such case would be a significant nuisance for the affected tenants. Any burning of material is strictly forbidden.

IV. Safety, prevention of accident and damage

(1) Open fire and smoking are forbidden in corridors, side rooms, basements or lifts because they are a risk for people and the house. It is forbidden to store easily flammable and ignitable materials in basements, side rooms or on balconies. Fuel must be stored properly.

(2) During the cold season, radiators should never be set “Off” but always to “Anti-freeze”, including at times when the tenant is away for a longer time.

(3) Flower boxes on balconies should be fastened properly and securely. In high-rise buildings, flower boxes are only allowed inside the balcony parapet.

(4) For reasons of order and cleanliness as well as fire prevention it is not permitted to store objects (items of furniture, flower pots and similar objects) on staircases, in corridors, basement corridors or attics.

(5) Entrance and access ways are exclusively reserved for emergencies (fire brigade, ambulance, police) or garbage removal trucks. For this reason, no cars or motorbikes should be parked there, or the ways blocked by other vehicles.

(6) If a fault or damage occurs in a supply line (gas, water, electric power, heating), all residents are obliged to inform the landlord and/or the emergency service firm immediately.

V. Community facilities and community rooms

(1) The community facilities and community rooms are visiting cards of the community of residents. Mutual consideration and attentiveness as well as proper care should be matters of course. The community of residents is responsible for maintaining community facilities in a clean and presentable state.

(2) No personal objects or bulky waste should be stored in any area of the house that is used by all residents. If this rule is broken, the landlord can cause removal of the stored objects at the owner’s cost.

VI. General

(1) It is not the landlord’s task to mediate disputes among tenants unless the dispute disturbs the house peace.